Wednesday, November 17, 2010

conference after conference

2 conferences , i already attended and can be write into my CV.. (achievement =)..hee~)

after last October trip to surabaya for my 1st conference, early november, i had attended another conference at UTM, Skudai.. this time is 3rd International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Sciences and Humanities 2010 (IGCESH2010)..

this is conference has a wide range of scope that be presented, different from the Surabaya conference that only focus on Biomedical.. Therefore, in IGCESH, the scope is huge and focus on sustainable technology.. with a wide scope on the conference, the opportunity to find a same group that has interest in my research is pretty hard and a chance to make improvement based on other researcher work is low.. but, the good thing is that, we can learn the current research in other field.. it is like being out of the box in IGCESH.. learn new thing, and understand the important of research and implication of some of the project..

because of some the conference venue is really closed, i do not attend the whole session.. more or like busy with my research..

this is another great experience that had become one of my puzzle's pieces in my life..

peace out !!!

p/s: this time i don't have any picture that can be share... sorry ber'lori-lori'.. =p

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