Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha... semoga pengorbanan yg dilakukan demi memelihara Agama Islam dan kearah mendapat keredhaan Allah S.W.T..

Raya kali ni, x balik rumah pun.. atas sbb yg yang x dpt dielakkan, raya kali ni, raya sorang2 je la..huhu.. kali ni nk cite pengalaman raya sorang2...

sebelum raya lg dah kene halau balik ngan supervisor..huhu..
supervisor aku tu baru perasan yg aku x balik raye kali ni...pastu leh lak die suruh aku balik.. pastu depan2 die aku ckp, ni 1st time Dr suruh saya balik..hahahaha... pastu gi mkn ngan mlm ngan member aku.. ingat kan pastu nk kejar gi solat isyak kat masjid, leh takbir raye skali.. tp x sempat gak..pkul 9 mlm aku takbir ngan member aku kat court basketball.. huhu~ .. mlm raya aku gi main basketball.. main basketball smpi pkul 12.15 mlm lak tu.. (dah la esok tu nk kene gi solat sunat aidiladha...x ingat nk balik ke??haha).. balik je, trus mandi, pastu tido..

pg raya, aku gi la solat kat masjid...pastu ingat kan nk cari la kedai mane2 yg bkk utk cari mknn pagi raye ni.. satu kedai pun x bkk.. last2, set breakfast McD yg jd mknn pagi raye aku.. org lain mkn ketupat, aku mkn McD..huhu.. Mama aku leh call pg tu, ckp dieorg mkn pulut pg tu.. nk wat anak die jeles la tu..huhu..

lepas breakfast, dah xde idea nk wat pe dah... xkan nk wat research, raye ni.. pastu pkul 11.15am, member aku ajak gi melawat org sakit kat hospital.. pastu lepak kat hospital smpi pkul 2pm... then baru nk cari lunch.. ktorg gi la mkn kat CS, dah kedai lain sume tutup.. tu je option yg ade.. Thanks to member aku tu la.. dah jd tmn aku lak mase raye ni...hahaha, TQ brother..

dkt pkul 6pm la baru balik.. then kembali tepu kepala ni, xde idea nk watpe.. last2 lepak kat dpn comp, tgk tv, movie, internet... nasib baik cuti raye aidiladha ni 1 hari je.. kalo 3 or 5 hari..pengsan aku, x tau nk wat pe..

Till next post..peace out !!!

conference after conference

2 conferences , i already attended and can be write into my CV.. (achievement =)..hee~)

after last October trip to surabaya for my 1st conference, early november, i had attended another conference at UTM, Skudai.. this time is 3rd International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Sciences and Humanities 2010 (IGCESH2010)..

this is conference has a wide range of scope that be presented, different from the Surabaya conference that only focus on Biomedical.. Therefore, in IGCESH, the scope is huge and focus on sustainable technology.. with a wide scope on the conference, the opportunity to find a same group that has interest in my research is pretty hard and a chance to make improvement based on other researcher work is low.. but, the good thing is that, we can learn the current research in other field.. it is like being out of the box in IGCESH.. learn new thing, and understand the important of research and implication of some of the project..

because of some the conference venue is really closed, i do not attend the whole session.. more or like busy with my research..

this is another great experience that had become one of my puzzle's pieces in my life..

peace out !!!

p/s: this time i don't have any picture that can be share... sorry ber'lori-lori'.. =p

work + holiday = BEST !!!

conference after conference...Alhamdulillah...
seems like my passion for knowledge is on the right track..

Last October, me and my colleague went to Surabaya, Indonesia for our first conference. it quiet scary at first for me, because it was my first conference.. i never been to any conference before.. therefore, i never know how was it, and what to be done there.. we arrived around 3.30 am (local time) at Surabaya, cause of flight delay (twice man, not sick of waiting so long on airplane)..

the conference held at one of the Universitas at the Surabaya.. it only 1 day conference, but all of us were there for 5 days (dah smpi sane, ape lg, conference plus jalan2 la tgk tmpt org.. hehe).. at the end of the day, the conference went smooth, even some of the problem occurs to one of our member (one of our members paper's abstract were mistaking print with others participant abstract on the proceeding abstract book.. but thanks to the chairperson of that the conference, the problem solved and satisfied both party) .. this 1st conference has give me a great experience and it was a knowledgeable conference (the conference was meant to share knowledge to all the participant).. some collaboration also can be made with other participant.. even i also meet one of the participant tha
t present his paper that almost similar to mine.. future collaboration may be develop in the future..

my team with the chairperson for the conference (far right).

1 of 5 days on Surabaya already mention with the main event (the conference la..) that brings us to Surabaya.. the other 3 days, we went to 2 universitas in Surabaya, for collaboration and introduce our group to them.. this also to create opportunities for further collaboration with them..
Collaboration meeting with staff from Institut Teknologi Surabaya Sepuluh November.

the other 1 day, we use it to explore Surabaya...(yippie!!..) we went to their safari zoo and the agriculture tourism center.. it was interesting there.. their safari zoo is like the one we have here, but the different is we went in into the safari with our own car.. overall, the safari was a great experience (i want to bring the huge, hugable white tiger home... cute2..).. the agriculture tourism was like visiting the cameron highland.. the main attraction there were their apple's farm.. unfortunately, it was not the season for the apple yet when we were there.. but it still a great experience, we pick our own guava, ate 'nasi goreng apple' and guava juice.. there also has a nice view from there..

it was great being there..great experience..great discussion..and great holiday..hahaha..
maybe next time, we will go somewhere else..hopefully..

peace out!!!